Wednesday, 9 March 2011

creative use of food.


American Futurist Buckminsterfuller in a fit of depression once pledged to himself to embark on an experiment to see how much one man (himself) could change the world for the betterment of humanity. Pretty good way of feeling better!
There is much to say about him, but Buckminsterfuller always endeavoured to challenge the way we think, and do.
From wikipedia:

The words "down" and "up", according to Fuller, are awkward in that they refer to a planar concept of direction inconsistent with human experience. The words "in" and "out" should be used instead, he argued, because they better describe an object's relation to a gravitational center, the Earth. "I suggest to audiences that they say, "I'm going 'outstairs' and 'instairs.'" At first that sounds strange to them; They all laugh about it. But if they try saying in and out for a few days in fun, they find themselves beginning to realize that they are indeed going inward and outward in respect to the center of Earth, which is our Spaceship Earth. And for the first time they begin to feel real "reality."

An inspirational chap.

Candy Chang

Candy Chang is a public installation artist, designer, and urban planner who likes to make cities more comfortable for people. She’s the co-founder of Civic Center, an urban design studio where she combines architecture, graphic design, and urban planning to make thoughtful public spaces and communication tools for everyday issues of city life.
Enjoy perusing examples of her thought-provoking projects here: